"Students of human nature assure us -- and all must agree with them -- that the three controlling influences in the formation of character are heredity, environment and education. The story of Walborg Ndzki's life goes to prove this belief.
"To the Anglo-Saxon ear the name Walborg has rather a masculine sound, yet it is one of the most favored names for the gentler sex in Norway. This is how it came to be given to one of the most beautiful Hungarian women of modern times.
"Early in the century Adolph Lassen, a young architect, left his native Christiania to seek his fortune at Budapest, where great public works were being undertaken. With the clear brain, strong fame and thoroughness of his race Adolph Lassen soon found a place and prospered greatly. He became a great builder, a daring speculator along productive lines and finally a very rich man.
"In the midst of Lassen's success there came to Budapest, ever famous for its beautiful and winsome women, a certain Mena Ndzki, the daughter of a morganatic marriage between Prince Louis Ndzki of Hungary and a young gypsy singer and dancer, whose grace, beauty and varied accomplishments made her admirers willing to die for her and to kill each other."
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