Things we get fixated as a society. Cultural icons, in other words.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Gyurcsany speech that has angered the nation

The Gyurcsany speech that has angered the nation

Here is a partial translation of Ferenc Gyurcsany's speech which caused such a sensation. This is only a paragraph and half but the best part.

"We don't have much choice. We don't because we f*cked up. Not just a little bit -- big time. No other country in Europe has done such a stupid thing before. We could try to explain it. Obviously, we have lied our way through the past couple of years. It was evident that the things we were saying were not true. We have gone way beyond our possibilities; we could not have imagined in the past that a joint government of the Hungarian Socialist Party and the liberals would ever end up here. Meanwhile, we have not done a thing in four years. Nothing. I cannot name any significant government decision we could be proud of, except the fact that we were able to get the governance out of the sh*t. Not a thing. If we were held accountable before the nation for our actions over the past four years, what would we say? Obviously, the whole thing is not being done in a nice, calm and meticulous manner. No, no. Everything is being done in a terrible rush because for a while we could not do anything, lest the people find out. And now we are in such a tight spot that we are about do die. And then we fall. Because we cannot keep a faster pace. This is where we are. Meanwhile we still have to come to an understanding with the liberal democrats, there are still ministerial issues -- you know.

"Look, the fact is that we do not have a choice in the short run. Janos Veres is right. We can still fuss around a bit but not for too long. The moment of truth is coming. Divine providence, the overflow of cash in the world economy, hundreds of tricks you obviously need not to know about, all these things helped us to survive so far. But this is the end of it. We cannot go any further. Of course, we can discuss this endlessly, prepare a huge f*cking number of analyses to see which social group will end up with what. This is what I can tell you. We cannot analyze things for weeks, folks, we cannot."