Things we get fixated as a society. Cultural icons, in other words.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Identifying rats and mice

identification of rats

I am looking at this chart called "Field identification of domestic rodents" which is essentially a picture of different kinds of rats and a mouse. I never knew how they differed and, lo, here is a nice and clever visual aid to show what the difference between the various kinds is.

The only problem is that to me they pretty much look alike. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, who prepared this helpful aid, apparently used the same clipart picture to show the rats. They only resized them and, looking at them on the screen, I can only visualize sizes in comparison. So to identify a rat in real life, I would have to see at least two different kinds at the same time. Perhaps even more. I see the little scale at the left bottom corner but I am just not good at these abstract things.

So I started looking for differences. This is like one of those games where you have to spot seven differences between two images of Clint Eastwood or whoever. And I found that the Norway Rat has a slightly blunt nose and a smaller ear. You can really only see the differences when you read the text. Then you notice the length of the tail, etc.

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