Things we get fixated as a society. Cultural icons, in other words.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dost Mohammed Khan: Drinking and playing music

"The Sardar Dost Mohammed Khan was excessively found of drinking, and carried it to an extreme excess. It is said that he has emptied several dozens of bottles in one night, and did not cease from drinking until he was quite intoxicated, and could not drink a drop more. He has often become senseless with drinking, and has on that account kept himself confined in bed during many days. He has been often seen in a state of stupidity on a horseback, and having no turban, but a skull-cap on his head.

"It has been stated by the early companions of the Sardar Dost Mohammed Khan, and confirmed by his own mouth, that he had, and still has, an extraordinary taste for music. When pleased with drinking wine, he has often sung ballads and played upon the "Rabab," a kind of fiddle. His intimate friend and supporter was Gholam Khan Populzai; and both these persons were considered in Afghanistan the first players on the "Rabab." The fort of Nanchi was he favourite seat where Dost Mohammed Khan formed his pleasure parties."
(William Tait, Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, 1846.)

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