Now I know that there are many types of people with different lifestyles and philosophies. But I still do not understand how it feels cool for anyone to have a tattoo of Chinese symbols meaning insane diarrhea. WHY?
Or perhaps this is just a mistake. Or a mean joke. In either case, if you are to get a Chinese tattoo, please get it from professionals who can read and write Chinese. Simply etching the lines into your skin is not enough.
Try this link: Chinese symbols for tattoos
I was looking into getting a tattoo on my wrist of the Chinese symbol for Courage, and everyone keeps telling me go to an asian person and make sure the symbol is correct, after reading your blog I know I HAVE to! WOuldn't want something silly like that on my wrist!
I was in a naval warship visiting Hong Kong and other ports around the Far East and, whether a genuine fact or just an apocryphal story, it was said that many tattoos obtained in Hong Kong by British and American naval personnel actually said 'Dirty British/American Pig/Sailor'....
狂瀉 kuángxiè
means slump (in the market)
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