Things we get fixated as a society. Cultural icons, in other words.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

From Korean history

Preamble: Approaching the 19th Century - East Meets West

"1868 - Tokugawa shogunate in Japan ends with the restoration of the emperor (“Meiji Restoration”). Japan begins to implement internal political and economic reforms, partly designed to strengthen Japan against foreign incursions. Legal class distinctions abolished (1869). Universal male military conscription established (1873).

"Japan becomes increasingly militaristic towards Korea for numerous reasons, including (a) the “political necessity of finding an outlet for the energies” of the samurais affected by the Meiji Restoration, (b) to acquire a captive market for Japanese consumer goods, (c) to preempt Russian encroachment in Korea, and (d) chauvinistic impulse of the Restoration leaders to expand the Japanese Empire."

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