Things we get fixated as a society. Cultural icons, in other words.

Friday, June 23, 2006

History of The Simpsons

History of The Simpsons
"The Simpsons are the brainchild of Matt Groening. He started out as a cartoonist by drawing a weekly comic strip for a set of regional newspapers, called "Life In Hell." They featured a rabbit called Blinky (yes, that's the name of the three-eyed fish in The Simpsons) and detailed the dark side of life. Books of these early cartoons are sold in bookstores."

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bottlenose Dolphins

Bottlenose Dolphins

Scientific Classification
Habitat and Distribution
Physical Characteristics
Adaptations for an Aquatic Environment
Diet and Eating Habits
Birth and Care of Young
Communication and Echolocation
Longevity and Causes of Death
Books for Young Readers

Megiddo and Armageddon

Megiddo and Armageddon

Megiddo (me·GID·o), or Tel Megiddo (TEL-me·GID·o), an ancient fortified city, is one of the most famous battlegrounds in the world. Historians believe that more battles were fought at this location than anywhere else on earth. "When Edwin Robinson stood on the imposing hill known as Tell el-Mutesellim in 1838, he jotted down in his diary the words, 'I wonder where Megiddo could have been.' Ironically, the mound on which he was standing, rising seventy feet above the surrounding plain and occupying an area of ten acres on its summit (with lower levels even larger) soon proved to be the site of Megiddo"